Tuesday 2 November 2010

Overall Research

When doing our reseach we all decied to each choose a differnet type of reseach. By doing this we made sure that we would be able to ask as many different types of questions as possible. Therefore giving us a wide varitey of answers. This would then we able to give us good results helping us in the decison making process. Kelly did a questionaire, Lee held a focuas group, Morris made an online survey, and Hector held interviews.

The main answers that we got from our results were that the two most popular genres were drama and social realist. This was a positive outcome for us as the film opening we are making is in the drama genre, and also has some of the same conventions as a social relaist film opening. Another conclusion which we gathered from our combined results was that people did think that racism was an interetsing topic to be incorporated into a film, but also that it was not covered enough. When asked why they thought that it was not a much covered subject, some people said that it was a very tricky thing to do without affending the audience. This made us relalise that we have to be very carful when filming and also writing the script to make sure that we do not affened anyone. 

Another thing which we were able to conclude from our results, was that everybody that had taken part in our research, had been a witness, victim, or guilty member of being racist. This showed us that racism is a massive topic, and that everybody is aware of it. We were also able to gather that not many people feel that they can talk openly about racism with others, and also that many have different views to thier parents.

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